Experts’ PR Network (Newer Obsolete)

Your Challenge and Our Promise

Highly compensated professionals in varied fields face a difficult challenge: Keeping the prospect pipeline open while also servicing clients, keeping current and managing the business. And managing all of the elements of effective marketing campaigns is expensive. Until now. We help people like you take a few steps closer to financial independence by converting you into a magnet for business. What tactics do we employ?

  • Advising you how to launch an effective business development program
  • Arranging for you to speak before highly targeted audiences
  • Helping you reach out to thousands of prospective clients and referral sources
  • Anointing you with “instant expert” status before the eyes of the people that really count
  • Teaming you with other experts and marketing your group to targeted prospects**


How do we accomplish this? We meld and employ the critical elements necessary for success.

  1. Many years of business experience building client bases and coaching others
  2. In-house talent developing creative marketing communications
  3. Social media marketing expertise
  4. Top video production talent with state-of-the-art facilities
  5. A successful track record of publishing educational programs

And, we can deliver everything that you require for a modest fee.

Our Formula

The Rainmakers’ Forum and Talk Show Factory have teamed to provide a unique opportunity for professionals in many fields: accelerated revenue growth through new client engagement. How? They participate in a wide variety of client development initiatives:

  • Speaking bookings through our Speakers Bureau
  • Managed social media campaigns
  • Videos for websites, newsletters, and social media ads
  • Creation of video books and special reports
  • Video newsletter and “News Flash” videos
  • “Marketing MRI”


Examples of our Video Book Intros

Doing Business in the USA: A Newcomers Guide

Experts’ Guide to Surviving A Divorce

Examples of Members’ Promotions

Website presentation

News Flash

Interview for Video Book


** Our Client Advisory Groups

  • Business Succession Advisors
  • Inbound USA Advisors  
  • Divorce Transition Advisors
  • Family Business Advisors  
  • Caregivers Advisors

See the Cyber Security episode of our show, SCORE Business TV.