Speaking Engagement Service

The opportunity: Savvy professionals and entrepreneurs know that public speaking engagements are an effective way to …

  • Earn high public speaking fees.
  • Generate new clients.
  • Sell books, audios and other product.


Our Speakers Bureau is an excellent medium for …

  • Booking unpaid speaking engagements before targeted audiences.
  • Landing paid speaking engagements.
  • Becoming a paid corporate spokesperson.


The challenge: Many people want to create these opportunities but they rarely succeed. Why?

  • They do not know how.
  • They do not have the time.
  • They have no idea how to package themselves to be attractive to corporations or event planners.


The solution – Our Speaking Engagement Service: Based upon many years of success in these endeavors, we offer a turnkey system to transform a novice into a successful speaker. The six-step process …


  1. Create a speaker marketing plan.
  2. Determine the unique value proposition.
  3. Provide “orator training”.
  4. Create unique video presentation materials.
  5. Produce video ads for social media.
  6. Harness the power of social media to “market” you to event planners, associations and corporations.

See the Cyber Security episode of our show, SCORE Business TV.